World of warships british heavy cruiser captain skills
World of warships british heavy cruiser captain skills

I apologize for not posting the straight images, but the permissions for the privateer role on the forum are broken and is missing a lot of functionality. For nearly all of my builds, this is what I start with: There aren't tons of huge choices to make when it comes to DD's, especially with your first 10 points. I don't think that WG was successful in diversifying the skill tree though. So, we have moved in a positive direction for this on the DD skills. Of the 2, IFHE is the only one I have messed around with and don't really think its a very useful skill. We are down to only 2: IFHE and Swift in Silence. That being said, there are less tradeoff skills in the DD skill tree than there were at the change.

world of warships british heavy cruiser captain skills

The tradeoff of a skill should be that you take it instead of a different skill. If a skill is considered too strong on its own that it needs a tradeoff, then perhaps the main part of the skill should be better balanced and not as strong. So what are my thoughts on the DD skills as a result of 1 year of playing with them? I still hate tradeoff skills.

World of warships british heavy cruiser captain skills